Central Psychology and Hypnotherapy
Call now to discuss how I can help you:
07548 164 719
Take advantage of the free initial telephone consultation that I offer to discuss how I could help you. If I am with a client I may not be able to answer immediately, however, if you leave me a message and a number I will call you back at your request.
Contact details:
Mobile: 07548164719
Email: victoria@centralpsychologyandhypnotherapy.co.uk
I offer clinics at the following locations:
Hillside Rooms
127a Worcester Lane
Hagley DY9 0NW
This location is in Hagley village, North Worcestershire; there is good access to transport links - train and also M5/M42.
Yoga Rooms
Crystal House
Enterprise Drive
Hayes Lane
Stourbridge DY9 8QH
This location has free parking; it is 10 minute walk from Lye Town train station and a 15 minute walk from Merry Hill shopping centre.
Quinton Natural Therapies
454 Hagley Road West
Quinton B68 0DL
This location is a short drive from Birmingham city centre and has public transport links.
Or you can contact me using the form below.